a configuration file called .fetchmailrc goes in /root. Try putting one together based on what you read in man page, and test it using fetchmail -v <cr>. If the fetchmail program finds errors, it'll let you know. Red hat really should make a fetchmailconf program that doesn't need xterm or x11 to run. Then at least you'd not have these problems with fetchmail. I tried putting my .fetchmailrc in a non-privileged account and removing it from root but that stopped fetchmail from operating since the root .fetchmailrc file wasn't there. sendmail is another headache, I have yet to get that to successfully mask even though it sends email out. It's a good idea not to be online as root, you leave yourself wide open for hackers that way. If you need do something in root su root out of non-privileged account when off line and take care of business then. Then exit from root before going back online. Jude <jdashiel@shellworld.net>