Use vi. Method: :w :!spell % > /tmp/spell.out :e /tmp/spell.out :e /tmp/spell.out Explanation: :w writes your most recent changes to the file. :! spell % > /tmp/spell.out assumes you have set up a private script to make ispell work like spell which is what I always do and run it on the current vi buffer, storing the resulting mis-spelled words in the file /tmp/spell.out :e /tmp/spell.out lets you move your vi editing session to the word list No just use the :e # command to switch back and forth between the word list and your file to locate and correct any words you want. I always sort and uniq the word list as part of my spell script. Come to think of it, this would probably work in emacs too.... rudy > > I Wondered If Someone Could Suggest An Editor That Will Allow Me To Spell > Check E-mail? I've Got Nmh Set Up To Deal With E-mail And I Can Specify > Whatever Editor I Wish. I've Been Using Nano, But The Spell Check Doesn't