[quoted lines by Andor Demarteau on August 22, 2001, at 17:56] >2,147,483,648 on Tue Jan 19 04:14:07 2038 >This last one as specially is inportant cause 1 second later the 2^31 >digtes unix-time uses (a standart 32-bit integer) will be full. >On that time/date we need to store time on a 64-bit integer to tacle this >problem, but somehow I expect that will be done well ahead of time. Way off topic, but: If the clock is handled as a 32-bit unsigned integer, time can go way beyond that. This, of course, would break code which treats negative clock values as representing dates prior to 1970. -- Dave Mielke | 2213 Fox Crescent | I believe that the Bible is the Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario | Word of God. Please contact me EMail: dave@mielke.cc | Canada K2A 1H7 | if you're concerned about Hell.