On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Karl Dahlke wrote: > This brings up my speech adapter, and enough tools to view and modify > dos, windows, and Linux files. Hey, how do you know when to insert disk2? > I can run ftp, telnet, rlogin, and lynx. > It's crude, but I can even use telnet to read and send mail, > using the pop3 and smtp protocols. Shees nerd, I'd advise you include the texts of the relevant rfc-documents on disk3 as well :) > 3. You need a 3com, ne2000, or tulip compatible ethernet card. I hope you are using compressed images. Besides there are a lot of 3com modules. > Now here's the interesting thing. > If a newby can get his computer up using these three floppies, > and if the internet connection actually works, > and if he issues the proper command, > I can log into his box and help him fix the problem, > or get Jupiter running, or whatever he is trying to do. NICE! > This isn't a security risk. > He has to type a special command, > which lets me in once, and only once, > and nobody gets in after that, unless he types the command again. > I jusst tested it out on my wife's machine. > I logged in and had access to the entire machine. And what if the person that logged in types that command himself before logging off? Besides using rlogin is always a security-risk (a program like hunt can spy or even ttakeover the link). > You couldn't fit a hello world program from Redhat 7.0 or above > on one floppy, > because the shared libraries themselves are already larger than 4 meg, > and when compressed, they just don't fit on a floppy. Look at teh debian-install disks, they don't use lilo but some other nice tool which actually runs from a dos-floppy :) > Or - you might try to link your adapter statically, > so it wouldn't draw upon the shared libraries, but this might still create > a surprisingly large executable. brltty fits on nicely. Static-linking is the only solution for a floppy-system. > Worse still, I have found some programs that don't seem to need a > shared library until they are running. > ldd doesn't give you a clue. > And the program even starts up and seems to work, > until it needs one of these libraries, > then it better be there, or it just doesn't run properly. use the lsof command, it let's you see exactly what is opend by which program, even special devices. > I'm afraid a statically linked program might have the same problem. > I just don't know. imho that is not the case. That's why it's called STATIC. > The best way is to rebuild any desired programs in the > same environment that built your rescue floppies, > whatever that may be. If you have one full disk for the kernel, why nto compile nearly every network-device into it. The Kernel will use the right one. slainte mhaith (good health), slainte (cheers) Uisce Beatha (water of live/health) ----------- Andor Demarteau E-mail: ademarte@students.cs.uu.nl student computer science www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/ Utrecht University irc: see webpage for details ----------- Believe in yourself, know what you want, and make it happen!