Hello Ehsan,
PipeWire's HSP/HFP bluetooth integration is currently tuned to transmit
audio over the HCI channel and encode/decode the audio in software. The
bluez_input and bluez_output nodes that you see in wpctl are basically
portals to that functionality.
I have not previously worked with i2s bluetooth modules, but my
understanding of them is that they provide a side-channel, in parallel
to the HCI channel, where you can stream raw audio and it gets
encoded/decoded in hardware. This side-channel is exposed via ALSA, so
you can see individual nodes in wpctl for that.
I believe to make this work, WirePlumber needs to be instructed to link
your speakers and microphone directly to the bluetooth alsa device
instead of linking them to the bluez_input/bluez_output nodes, which are
using the HCI channel.
Before making any changes to the code, you can try this manually. When
you make a call and you see the streams that you have pasted below, use
the pw-link tool to create links between:
* the bt i2c input node and "Communication Playback Endpoint"
* the "tlv320aic3106" (which must be the microphone input?) to the bt
i2c output node
(and forget about bluez_input / bluez_output)
If this works, then all you need to do is to write a wireplumber lua
script to integrate this logic into wireplumber.
Best regards,
On 05/07/2021 16:55, Ehsan Takalloo wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Hi Goerge,
I was testing pipewire and wireplumber with bluetooth and I played some
music using pipewire and bluetooth successfully.
However, for testing phone calls, I faced some issues. Since my bt
module has I2S, I have to use pipewire for receiving phonecall audio and
play it. Also, it is required to stream Microphone output to bt I2S.
During phone call, phone call event was detected and "wpctl status"
shows following streams:
113. bluez_input.XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX.headset-audio-gateway
117. output_MONO > Communication Playback Endpoint:playback_FR
114. bluez_output.XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX.headset-audio-gateway
116. input_MONO < tlv320aic3106:capture_1
But bluez_input/output.XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX.headset-audio-gateway are not
connected to my bt chip. I added bt I2S as a sound card and its source
and sink are visible in "wpctl status" sources and sinks. My question
is, how to introduce bt I2S as hfpSound card and who is responsible for
it (pipewire, wireplumber or ...)?
Best Regards
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