Thanks for the report. But I have some concerns with your way of reporting your work. Is it necessary to suffer on to read the report? (yes, suffering with M$ fonts aged to 80s won't help me to read the report, even if I'm older than the font itself... Nostalgy is not a remedy for me...) Am I stupid in considering that the LF has some kind of contract or licence with Atlassian for JIRA/Confluence and other tools? Fees are paid, so please use the right tools! I'm a bit surprised that nobody told you anything (Walt?, Jan-Simon?). So why not pushing your report on AGL services, be it Jira or Confluence? As I already have plenty of projects and people to follow, let me say that I won't follow your work if it's not posted on regular channels used on AGL. And posting a message on the mailing list to specify where the details are is not really an option IMHO. I dislike the model where LF has to pay for the BTS or other community systems like S*ack and others, when FLOSS alternatives exist but are not used, promoted and improved by the "big community" itself. OK That's a LF choice I don't agree with. But in this very special case, I don't understand why such log reports are not posted on "usual" channels, as there's absolutely no need to add external "unpleasant", "unnecessary", "irrelevant" tools. --- Stephane Desneux - CTO - stephane.desneux@xxxxxxx - On 12/06/2021 00:23, Anmol wrote: > Coding Period (Week 3) Update: > > Brief Summary: > This week I tried to fix the QEmulation of agl-image with Jailhouse > and my mentor: Jan-Simon Möller helped me a lot in fixing it. After a > lot of Error sessions we finally were able to boot it. But there are > some more problems we found after booting it. So, next week we will > try to eliminate those and try to proceed further. > > This is the detailed report for the week 3: > > > > Thanks and Regards, > Anmol <anmol.karan123@xxxxxxxxx> > > > > > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#9247): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: agl-dev-community+owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Unsubscribe: [list-automotive-discussions82@xxxxxxxxxxx] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-