My name is Qi, I'm from SOTI Inc in Canada and we're interested in porting our product on AGL. For current progress, we can run our application on the AGL image (installed on Raspberry Pi 4) as a binary ELF executable object. There
is one thing that we want to get from the system, which is car information because AGL is built for automotive. I know there are several bindings (APIs) that we can use to get some system information (like GPS, network or Bluetooth), however, for example in
the below screenshot of the "dashboard" application, there are certain data that are specific for cars like speed, tire pressure, fuel and RPM. When I looked at the source code of the application, I found out the numbers are hard-coded. I'm just wondering
if you have a simulation method to simulate these data, and then use certain bindings to get it from the system. Or
if there are some commands to use to simulate and get these data, please also point me with that.
Any suggestions or explanation would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance and best regards! _._,_._,_ Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#9203) | Reply To Group | Reply To Sender | Mute This Topic | New Topic _._,_._,_