Hi Bogdan,
Thanks very much for the tip.
As the agl-driver user, I am indeed able to get a non-null return code for the "afm-util start" command.
Unfortunately, unless I am missing something, it doesn't appear to actually start anything.
Here's what I did ...
raspberrypi4:~$ afm-util install /home/1001/annex.wgt
raspberrypi4:~$ afm-util install /home/1001/memory-match.wgt
raspberrypi4:~$ afm-util info webapps-annex@0.0
"author":"Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@xxxxxxxxx>",
raspberrypi4:~$ afm-util info webapps-memory-match@1.1
"description":"Memory match",
"author":"Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@xxxxxxxxx>",
raspberrypi4:~$ afm-util start webapps-annex@0.0
However, the app does not show up on my monitor, nor is it listed as a running app ...
raspberrypi4:~$ ps -efZ |grep webapps-annex | grep -v grep
raspberrypi4:~$ afm-util ps
I see MEMORYMATCH on my screen, but when I click it, nothing happens.
I'm wondering if this is related to my screen being full with 12 icons?
The only thing that I did to my generated image was I changed the orientation to be upright instead of sideways on my monitor.
i.e. I commented out line 18 here:
raspberrypi4:/etc/xdg/weston# cat weston.ini | nl -ba
1 [core]
2 shell=ivi-shell.so
3 backend=drm-backend.so
4 require-input=false
5 modules=systemd-notify.so,ivi-controller.so
7 # Support the Raspberry Pi Foundation 7" tablet which uses the DSI connector
8 # rather than HDMI.
9 [output]
10 name=DSI-1
11 transform=270
13 # A display is connected to HDMI-A-1 and needs to be rotated 270 degrees
14 # to have a proper orientation of the homescreen. For example the various sizes
15 # of the GeChic display or the Dell display.
16 [output]
17 name=HDMI-A-1
18 #transform=270
19 mode=1280x720
21 [desktop-app-default]
22 default-surface-id=2000000
23 default-surface-id-max=2001000
25 [ivi-shell]
26 ivi-input-module=ivi-input-controller.so
27 ivi-id-agent-module=ivi-id-agent.so
29 [shell]
30 locking=true
31 panel-position=none
Can someone please tell me which log files contain the error messages which would help me to debug this?
Hi Alex,I think it is because you are trying to run it as root.Try "su - agl-driver" and then use afm-util as that user. It worked for me.Regards,Bogdan Ilies
On Sat, 26 Sep 2020 at 0:58, Alex Ryan<alexander.j.ryan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I'm having difficulty getting the AGL "hello world" apps to run and would like some advice on how to debug.
I'm following the instructions for "AGL Application Framework: A Quick Tutorial"
I followed the instructions precisely to build the AGL 9.0.3 Icefish for raspberry pi 4.
The "afm-util install" commands appear to work ...
raspberrypi4:~# afm-util install /home/0/annex.wgt
raspberrypi4:~# afm-util install /home/0/memory-match.wgt
raspberrypi4:~# afm-util list
"description":"Memory match",
"author":"Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@xxxxxxxxx>",
"author":"Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@xxxxxxxxx>",
but "afm-util start" does not ...
raspberrypi4:~# afm-util start webapps-annex@0.0
raspberrypi4:~# afm-util start webapps-memory-match@1.1
ERROR: cannot-start
I've confirmed that the systemd daemons are running, but I'm not sure how to go about debugging this?
raspberrypi4:/etc/systemd/system# systemctl status afm-system-daemon.service
● afm-system-daemon.service - Application Framework Master, system side
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/afm-system-daemon.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-09-18 02:43:47 UTC; 1 weeks 0 days ago
Main PID: 328 (afm-system-daem)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4197)
Memory: 3.7M
CGroup: /system.slice/afm-system-daemon.service
└─328 afm-system-daemon
Sep 18 02:43:47 raspberrypi4 systemd[1]: Started Application Framework Master, system side.
raspberrypi4:/etc/systemd/system# systemctl status afm-user-session@1001.service
● afm-user-session@1001.service - Initiate afm-user-session 1001
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/../afm-user-session@.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-09-18 02:43:48 UTC; 1 weeks 0 days ago
Main PID: 419 (systemctl)
Tasks: 0 (limit: 4197)
Memory: 1.1M
CGroup: /system.slice/system-afm\x2duser\x2dsession.slice/afm-user-session@1001.service
‣ 419 /bin/systemctl --wait start afm-user-session@1001.target
Sep 18 02:43:48 raspberrypi4 systemd[1]: Started Initiate afm-user-session 1001.
Sep 18 02:43:49 raspberrypi4 systemd[419]: pam_unix(afm-user-session:account): account agl-driver has password changed in future
Sep 18 02:43:49 raspberrypi4 systemd[419]: pam_unix(afm-user-session:session): session opened for user agl-driver by (uid=0)
--Alex Ryan
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