I was following the steps on https://docs.automotivelinux.org/docs/en/icefish/devguides/reference/xds/part-1/create-app-build-cmd-line.html to build the Hello World Native application, and the build succeeded. At the end of the build I saw a message
++ Install widget file using in the target : afm-util install helloworld-native-application.wgt
. I then used scp build/helloworld-native-application.wgt root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP}:/tmp
to copy the file into the VM, and then I used ssh root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP} afm-util install /tmp/${APP_NAME}.wgt
to install the widget, which also succeeded, and I could see the widget on the home screen as well:
The issue is that nothing happens when I click the widget. When I display the log from the systemd journal, using
ssh root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP} journalctl -f
, I see an error "qemux86-64 afm-system-daemon[282]: ERROR: can't start system unit afm-appli-helloworld-native-application--0.1-fe2c958-dirty--main@.service for uid 1001" whenever I click the widget. Could anyone help me understand why I got the error and how I might be able to fix it to run the application.From,
Dhairya Patel
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