Hi ,
I am Parth Dode, you may know me from the dev-call which I attend quite
regularly. I am a final year student of computer engineering in the Mumbai University.
I was fascinated with AGL ever since my curiosity about Tesla's cool looking
dashboard peaked and I started googling about Operating system for cars and
thats how I found AGL.
I then started attending these calls back in October '19. I still remember, it was 15-11-19 ,
the date on which I first took the courage to speak and ask a question to Walt. Since then I've gotten familiar with the voices of Walt M. , Jan-Simon M. and Scott M. , taking their advice in my pursuit to understand and find my way around AGL. Thank you for helping me find a place in the community.
So, this year I have been selected as a student in the prestigious Google Summer of Code under
The Linux Foundation . I will be developing open source software in Automotive Grade Linux as
a student developer under the guidance of my mentors Jan-Simon Möller & Walt Miner.
I will be working on a project to port jailhouse(hypervisor) to AGL and make a guest os run
in a jailhouse's cell and show communication between the guest os and AGL(host os).
I look forward to having a great summer developing for the Automotive grade linux , staying indoors , doing what I do best, making this quarantine a great deal better. I will document my project here https://d80ep08th.github.io/Port-Jailhouse-to-AGL/ . My irc nick is d__ep__th. Thank you.
Parth Dode
Student dev
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