Dear Sitech,
The CMake infrastructure uses the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro, which
relies on pkg-config
Thus, copying the library in the SDK is not enough, you are still
missing the pkg-config file (likely a lua.pc or something like that)
Anyway, your SDK seems incomplete and that is a bug.
Could you please report a Jira , pointing out that the SDK for raspberry
is missing lua ?
Meanwhile, maybe you could also investigate on your side, why your
manual lua install is incomplete ?
On 08/13/2018 03:24 PM, Sitech wrote:
Hi bultel,
Even though install lua-5.3.4 after source the sdk,i copy the liblua.a
to the directory, still error, and here is mine:
find -name "*.a"
------------------ Original ------------------
*From: * "thierry bultel"<thierry.bultel@xxxxxxx>;
*Date: * Mon, Aug 13, 2018 08:58 PM
* "automotive-discussions"<automotive-discussions@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
*Subject: * Re: 4a-hal-generic cmake failed
You should not have to re-compile lua since it is provided by the SDK.
From what I know, the static lua library is expected.
In my SDK, I have:
Can you check in yours please ? That could be an SDK issue, tell us
On 08/13/2018 02:40 PM, Sitech wrote:
> Hi,
> When i build 4a-hal-generic project, follow the :
> ```
> mkdir build && cd build
> source
> cmake ..
> ```
> And i get an error:
> -- Checking for module 'lua-5.3>=5.3'
> -- No package 'lua-5.3' found
> And then, i download lua-5.3.4, compile and install, but still error.I
> try to install lua-5.3.4 to SDK directory:
> ```
> sudo make install
> INSTALL_TOP=/opt/poky-agl/5.99.2/sysroots/x86_64-aglsdk-linux/usr/bin/
> ```
> It doesn't work, i also try to disable lua module through modify the
> CMakeList.txt:
> ```
> set(CONTROL_SUPPORT_LUA 0 CACHE BOOL "Active or not LUA Support")
> ```
> Still doesn't work. Does any friends meet this problem?
> albert@albert:~/files/agl/code/audio-4a/4a-hal-generic/build$ which lua
> /opt/poky-agl/5.99.2/sysroots/x86_64-aglsdk-linux/usr/bin/lua
> albert@albert:~/files/agl/code/audio-4a/4a-hal-generic/build$ lua -v
> Lua 5.3.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2017, PUC-Rio
> albert@albert:~/files/agl/code/audio-4a/4a-hal-generic/build$ whereis lua
> lua: /usr/bin/lua5.3 /usr/local/bin/lua /usr/local/lib/lua
> /usr/include/lua5.3 /usr/include/lua5.2 /usr/share/lua5.3
> /usr/share/lua5.2
> /opt/poky-agl/5.99.2/sysroots/x86_64-aglsdk-linux/usr/bin/lua
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