On 07/16/2018 11:01 PM, Ian Kent wrote:
I guess in doing this you are planning to change auto.home to something
local_user1 localhost:/local/home/& (or just :/local/home/&)
> local_user2 localhost:/local/home/& (or just :/local/home/&)
* nfs_server:/home/&
This works and is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much!
After testing this and on further reflection, from a system design
perspective, this probably isn't the most robust solution. There is not
really anything wrong (AFAIK) with having local accounts home
directories live in /local/home, and one could run into not being able
to log in even with a local account if autofs is stopped or crashed,
since the /etc/passwd entry looks like this:
cnsit:x:1000:1000:CNS Systems Group,,,:/home/cnsit:/bin/bash
and the home directory is actually /local/home/cnsit. I like having at
least one administrative local account on every machine so that the
machine can still be accessed when the directory service is down (or
being transitioned, or whatever).
In this particular case at least one machine interacts with an electron
microscope for data collection, hence the need for some local service
accounts in addition to the user accounts which are managed through a
directory service.
Thanks again.
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