I'm attempting to install Kubuntu 7.10 to be dual booted on an existing
Ultimate system. The system has Intel ICH9R RAID, with a single RAID0
volume, and two partitions, Windows/NTFS and unformatted. I booted from the
Kubuntu install disk and installed dmraid, but dmraid won't successfully
activate the RAID volume(s) - see various outputs below.
Appreciate ideas on how to fix ....
$ sudo dmraid -ay
ERROR: isw device for volume "Volume0" broken on /dev/sdb in RAID set
ERROR: isw: wrong # of devices in RAID set "isw_dhbacihbbf_Volume0"
[1/2] on /dev/sdb
$ sudo dmraid -r
/dev/sdb: isw, "isw_dhbacihbbf", GROUP, ok, 488397166 sectors, data@ 0
$ sudo dmraid -ay -vvvv -dddd
WARN: locking /var/lock/dmraid/.lock
NOTICE: skipping removable device /dev/sdf
NOTICE: skipping removable device /dev/sde
NOTICE: skipping removable device /dev/sdd
NOTICE: skipping removable device /dev/sdc
NOTICE: /dev/sda: asr discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: ddf1 discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: hpt37x discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: hpt45x discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: isw discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: jmicron discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: lsi discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: nvidia discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: pdc discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: sil discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sda: via discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: asr discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: ddf1 discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: hpt37x discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: hpt45x discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: isw discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: isw metadata discovered
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: jmicron discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: lsi discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: nvidia discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: pdc discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: sil discovering
NOTICE: /dev/sdb: via discovering
DEBUG: _find_set: searching isw_dhbacihbbf
DEBUG: _find_set: not found isw_dhbacihbbf
DEBUG: _find_set: searching isw_dhbacihbbf_Volume0
DEBUG: _find_set: searching isw_dhbacihbbf_Volume0
DEBUG: _find_set: not found isw_dhbacihbbf_Volume0
DEBUG: _find_set: not found isw_dhbacihbbf_Volume0
NOTICE: added /dev/sdb to RAID set "isw_dhbacihbbf"
DEBUG: checking isw device "/dev/sdb"
DEBUG: set status of set "isw_dhbacihbbf_Volume0" to 2
DEBUG: set status of set "isw_dhbacihbbf" to 4
INFO: Activating GROUP RAID set "isw_dhbacihbbf"
WARN: unlocking /var/lock/dmraid/.lock
DEBUG: freeing devices of RAID set "isw_dhbacihbbf_Volume0"
DEBUG: freeing device "isw_dhbacihbbf_Volume0", path "/dev/sdb"
DEBUG: freeing devices of RAID set "isw_dhbacihbbf"
DEBUG: freeing device "isw_dhbacihbbf", path "/dev/sdb"
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