Today's Topics:
1. 3ware -- more than one card in a server? (Jason Marshall)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 09:19:19 -0600 (MDT) From: Jason Marshall <marshalj@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: ataraid-list@xxxxxxxxxx Subject: 3ware -- more than one card in a server? Reply-To: ataraid-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Hi all, I looked through a bunch of the archives and never found my answer. What I'm wondering is if it's possible to use two 4-port 3ware 7410's to look (kind of) like a 7810. My first impression is that this won't work, particularly for raid5, without using the linux md stuff, with the 3ware cards in jbod mode...
Am I wrong? Or is there some cool way to make hw raid5 work across two controllers?
If you use 3Ware BIOS based RAID it will not span over controllers.
If you use Linux software RAID ( see mdadm - Neil Brown) it is easy to span up to 4 3Ware cards, and gives significantly better RAID5 performance.
Added benefit is much better I/O performance as well..
With our best regards,
Maurice W. Hilarius Telephone: 01-780-456-9771 Hard Data Ltd. FAX: 01-780-456-9772 11060 - 166 Avenue mailto:maurice@xxxxxxxxxxxx Edmonton, AB, Canada T5X 1Y3