hey all,
i've finally got this working w/ the promise fasttrak.so on 2.4.18-3 uniprocessor I originally had problems with the drives
doing “Drive Interrupt Time Out” and “RESET Channel1”
etc.. So, I followed the readme
in their latest driver Version & Booted w/ redhat
cd-rom, appended the setup as instructed: linux ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15
ide2=0 ide3=0 ide4=0 ide5=0 ide6=0 ide7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0 expert then I added the following into my Grub
kernel parameters: ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14
ide1=0x170,0x376,15 ide2=0 ide3=0 ide4=0 ide5=0 ide6=0 ide7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0 and tada, no probs! It still seems weird that it’s working
properly when cat /proc/pci says it’s on IRQ 5
w/ different I/O addresses. But oh well. So, not that I’ve got it working,
I’d like to be able to monitor my raid array, locally & remotely.
Promise provides a tiny text with some info, locates at /proc/scsi/FastTrak/x Where x is the array you’re looking
at. Here’s my 120GB Raid 1: [root@redhat
root]# cat /proc/scsi/FastTrak/0 PROMISE FastTrak
Series Linux Driver Version Adapter1 - FastTrak
TX2000, IRQ(5) Array
- Array[1] : 1X2 Mirror (OK-Gigabyte Boundary) Drive
- 1:
IC35L120AVV207 Pri/Master Array[1]
123522MB BASE(0xc000) BM(0xd000) UDMA5 3:
IC35L120AVV207 Sec/Master Array[1] 123522MB
BASE(0xc800) BM(0xd008) UDMA5 sure, great all good & well, but
where’s some real info? Where’s the logs?...
hrm.. I checked the zip they provided on
http://www.promise.com and found this file: FT-ioctl.txt it looks like a doc for c-source using ioctl for querying info about the drives.. well I know nothing about C and this is the
first I’ve ever seen it, so I gave it a whirl J here’s the source: http://www.synace.com/projects/fasttrak_raid.c so, it outputs some data, but nothing
useful, mostly magic numbers and eventids :( does anyone know of any tools to manage the FastTrak raid array on linux,
either locally or remotely, and any tools to show the logs, and status of the
array? I also have an ABIT KT7-A raid w/ onboard
HPT370A, and it comes w/ it’s own management
utility. I’m debating a move to all HPT37x controllers for webservers |