Promise 20265

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I'm sorry to bother you all again, but I still haven't been able to figure
out a solution to my problem :-(

I have an ob. 20265 controller and I want to install 7.3 on it, but I'm
having quite some problems.

I have now tried to fdisk /mbr the mirror after recreating it. Before this
I tried to install W2k on it and it worked without any problem, but I
noticed that it still had some linux partitions. There for I set up the
mirror from star again, removed all partitions with fdisk and did a fdisk

Then I follow the howto and run linux noprobe. I then install the newest
driver form Promise (.22) and it seems to be inserted correct. The only
thing is this warning:

Warning: loading /tmp/FastTrack.o will taint the kernel (no license)

Also it seems that the install detects the 20265 anyway though I use
I then continue setting up the box, and I make it give me a suggestion for
partitioning. At this point it shows two single harddrives AND the promise
mirror! I choose to use the mirror only, and continue.

I place boot loader on /dev/sda1 and choose lilo.

Then at the begining of format I get:

The kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on /tmp/hde.
(Device or resource busy)
This means linux knows nothing about the modifications you made.

and I get this for tmp/hdg too.
I also get an error that's quite long as says that the bios geometry might
be wrong. I can ignore this and i'm then able to format all partitions,
but immidiatly after the format has completed the system freezes and I
have to disconnect power in order to get it up running again. At this
point the mirror is broken, so to me et seems that Linux is messing with
one of the discs directely anyway.

I know I could go aout and by another controller, but I would like to get
this one running, but I need some help, so I hope someone has the time to
give me some feedback.

- Jens W. Skov
- E-Mail: jens@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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