> ehm the 2.4.9-ac12 driver doesn't use /dev/sda... but /dev/ataraid/d0 >Yeah i know but i needed it to install redhat on my system (do you know = >another way) and again to reach my partition after linux rescue >because i only can use ft.o and ft.o uses /dev/sda=20 >can't use the new kernel because it oopses >or can i use your ataraid as a module ? (is it dependendant on a kernel = >version? using 2.4.2-2BOOT )=20 >Erik Hi: I have the same problem, and i don't know how to do to resolve it (and nobody seems to help me). The ft.o modules HAVE version information: only run on a 2.4.2-2 kernel. When i installed RedHat 7.1 with the promise driver, the system makes "sda" partitions...the question is: CAN I BOOT A 2.4.9-ac KERNEL INVOKING /DEV/ATARAID/D0 PARTITIONS? And with respect to"ide0=3D0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=3D0x170,0x376,15 ide2=3D0 ide3=3D0 ....... ide9=3D0 rescue".....you should type "linux ide0=0x1f0....ide9=0 expert" at the moment of installation if you have a PDC20265 chip (noticed 0x1f0...without "D"). SEnd me any comments.