I did not included an attachement in my first posting because of virussen and trojans...etc . And for all you guys who doesn't like to open .txt files :-) Here is the installation bug : Traceback (innermost last): File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 520, in ? intf.run(todo, test = test) File "/var/tmp/anaconda-7.1//usr/lib/anaconda/text.py", line 1126, in run rc = apply (step[1](), args) File "/var/tmp/anaconda-7.1//usr/lib/anaconda/text.py", line 551, in __call__ if todo.doInstall (): File "/var/tmp/anaconda-7.1//usr/lib/anaconda/todo.py", line 2081, in doInstall self.hdList, self.upgrade, langlist) File "/var/tmp/anaconda-7.1//usr/lib/anaconda/lilo.py", line 295, in install maxcyl = fstab.getBootPartitionMaxCylFromDrive() File "/var/tmp/anaconda-7.1//usr/lib/anaconda/fstab.py", line 202, in getBootPartitionMaxCylFromDrive maxcyl = (sector+size) / string.atoi(bootgeom[2]) OverflowError: integer addition Local variables in innermost frame: size: 1931502952 maxcyl: 0 type: -1 self: <fstab.NewtFstab instance at 8252298> bootgeom: ('10011', '255', '63') table: <parttable object at a03ab88> i: 0 bootpart: sda1 part: sda1 boothd: sda sector: 1411392266 ToDo object: (itodo ToDo p1 (dp2 S'resState' p3 S'' sS'progressWindow' p4 (itext ProgressWindow (dp5 S'scale' p6 NsS'screen' p7 (isnack SnackScreen p8 (dp9 S'height' p10 I25 sS'width' p11 I80 sS'helpCb' p12 <failed>