To all Highpoint Linux users : I hope anybody can help to install Linux on my Highpoint 370A controller. I'm trying this for over a month and I'm really hopeless. First here are my system specifications I order to find the cause : Amd 1200 FSB 266. Epox 8k7a+ including Highpoint 370A onboard RAID. 512 Hyundai DDR. 2 X 40 GB IBM 40GPX deskstar 7200RPM Software : Redhat 7.1 370 drivers from on disk HPT370 UDMA/ATA100 RAID Controller Redhat Linux Installation Guide. Connected physically the disks on primary and secondaire controller. In the Highpoint BIOS I made a RAID 0 stripe array (64). First did an format (/s/u). Booting RH from cd. did expert text option. Loading 370 drivers from disk. Selected custom install and specified everyting to install. This procudure I've tried for over 10 times, first there was an Installation Error (attachement). Unclear to me. A couple of times everything seems to be OK. and Installation completed appears. Followed by the instructions of the Raid Controller Redhat Guide I had to replace the installed kernel with a new kernel. Alt F2. # chroot /mnt/sysimage # mount /mnt/floppy # sh /mnt/floppy/370postinstall # umount /mnt/floppy This was no problem, so return to the setup screen to press enter to finish the setup. Well I waited 15 minutes but there was no autmatically reboot. (maybe this is correct?). After a manual reboot, Lilo loaded correcly. but then this error is given : Partition check: sda: VFS : Cannot open root device "801" or 08:01 Please append a correct "root =" boot option Kernel panic : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on 08:01 Well, I hope somebody would like to tell me how to install linux in combination with the highpoint chipset. Thanks, Cornee Karels