Hello ! im happy to hear about ataraid but I habe two questions: 1. I can't compile ataraid on Suse Linux 7.2 (I've tried the Suse Kernel and also the "normal" Kernel 2.4.7 from kernel.org. A compiler run terminates with "error 1". Is there a manual or how-to, in it's better described as I compile the source-package into a non "ac" kernel. 2. When is supported RAID1 by the GPL Ataraid-drivers ? !! So that we don't need promise's very very very bad support for Linux in the future...! To support only one Linux Distribution is a mess !!!! I've tried to use the original Red-Hat Kernel to run with Suse but I got many "unsolved symbols" on loading the Promise modules, I think it's the wrong Kernel (2.4.2-2 as described in Promise's how-to). Best regards Matthias Noll (mn@xxxxxxxxx)