Hi there! I would like to report another issue, which was actually the first I've found when trying to put my gateway into operation, but once solved it didn't appear anymore, so it's not as important as other ones. But it's there and it should be fixed. As already discussed in my first post, I have an Asterisk box connected to two EWSD exchanges. Every one has its own, well-separated linkset, with one separate physical signalling link. So, it should work well even with very limited MTP3 support in libss7. EWSDs have differnt PCs, Asterisk uses the same OPC for both of them. When I tried to start the gateway for the first time, a very strange things were occuring: MTP2 came up on both links as expected, and then EWSDs started to send an ISUP traffic immediately to the Asterisk. It means, that MTP3 also successfully opened on the EWSD side, BUT NOT ON THE ASTERISK ONE! The linksets were down! And Asterisk just reported tons of messages about unexpected ISUP when linksets are not up. Please note that we don't play the TRA game here in Czech Republic (and probably in other European countries), so the only verification tool that the linkset is up is sending SLTM and verifying correctness of the returned SLTA. And it passed on EWSD and didn't pass on Asterisk side. Finally I found that my cables are swapped (the new server assigned the order of E1 cards differently than the old one) and that I'm trying to start linksets against the opposite exchanges! Such a stupid error! But a very strange is, that EWSDs didn't find it and they promptly tried to use the linksets. So I'm afraid that the SLTAs returned as a response to their SLTMs were somewhat "fake", containing data, which they liked, while they would not definitely like the real data (a different PC would not make the linkset to activate). EWSDs are very strict in this. Isn't it possible that when forming the SLTA response, we just reverse the PCs from incoming SLTM instead of putting our own data here ? I tried to find the problem in the libss7 code but on the contrary to the code in isup.c, I almost cannot understand the code in mtp3.c - it's not commented well and I can't even find a place, where we construct an SLTA to respond to the partner's SLTM. With regards, Pavel Troller