chan_ss7 - T22 timeout (No'circuitgroup resetacknowledge' from peer)

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On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 08:49:20PM +0200, Pawel Ratajewski (Forweb) wrote:

=> i call 'fine' if I'm able to block/unblock one or group of channels :)

Either you're using different chan_ss7, or we differ on the definition
'working fine'. The fact that the 'ss7 show channels' shows you what you
expects it to doesn't mean the other side of the link sees the same. That's
what interconnect signalling tests are for, and if you're using stock
chan_ss7 they shouldn't have passed. First of all, you can't invoke BLOs
from the chan_ss7 interface, which is what you could and should use for a
single CIC blocking. That's Q.784 tests 1.3.2 - the whole group. Second, the CGB/CGUs sent by stock chan_ss7 are always sent with range=32, no matter what 
you'll give it as an input option. Here you should have failed on tests
1,3,1 - the whole group again. And it definetly should have been tested,
because it's used in everyday operations. 

=> It works fine for me :) The range is always shown as 32, but it's really 
=> different. But the problem is, chan_ss7 sends to many octets - the last is 
=> empty, but some od DGT does not recognize its as empty.

Well, if it works fine, and you insist on the fact that the chan_ss7 'ss7
block/unblock' works allright, then the other end has some serious problems
sending the CGAs with range=32 everytime.

But seriously, belive me, it's chan_ss7's fault. It even got mentioned here
on the list once or twice. It was supposed to get fixed, but i'm not
entirely sure it did.

Anyway - there's an easy way finding out - either put your protocol analyzer
up to the task, or contact the other end for a test run to see if they see
what that you're supposedly sending towards them.

Jakub Klausa | j.klausa at | |
Dane rejestrowe -> 
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