Starting with SS7. Channel-Configuration

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here is the proposed follow-up:

We can now terminate calls over SS7 at our asterisk.

The main reason for us to switch to SS7 was the availability to see the
callerid, even if the caller has supressed, so that we can correctly
bill our customers.

But the normal asterisk variable ${CALLERID(number)} will not be filled
if it is suppressed ... Hmmm

Is there another way to check the callerid and the flag wich indicated
that the callerid should not be shown to the callee ?

With ss7 debug enabled here is the output of an incoming call (with
callerid enabled):

Len = 63 [ f9 dd 3c 85 06 1d 3f 07 1f 00 01 00 21 01 0a 00 02 0b 09 84
90 53 48 75 93 05 00 00 37 01 02 0a 08 04 13 94 71 22 78 07 82 03 04 7d
02 91 81 1d 03 80 90 a3 31 02 00 00 39 04 37 c0 31 c0 00 ]
FSN: 93 FIB 1
BSN: 121 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ f9 dd 3c ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7420 DPC 7430 SLS 0
        [ 06 1d 3f 07 ]
                CIC: 31
                [ 1f 00 ]
                Message Type: IAM
                [ 01 ]
                Mandatory Fixed Length Parms:
                Nature of Connection Indicator
        Satellites in connection: 0
        Continuity Check: Check not required
        Outgoing half echo control device not included
                [ 00 21 ]
                Forward Call Indicator
                [ 01 0a ]
                Calling Party Category
                [ 00 ]
                Transmission Medium Requirements
                [ 02 ]
                Mandatory Variable Length Parms:
                Called Party Number
                [ 84 90 53 48 75 93 05 00 00 37 01 02 0a 08 04 13 94 71
22 78 07 82 03 04 7d 02 91 81 1d 03 80 90 a3 31 02 00 00 39 04 37 c0 31
c0 00 1f 4b 1c 00 00 f0 0d 30 b7 06 00 00 00 31 62 20 30 00 00 00 00 05
00 00 00 06 1d 00 00 fc 1c 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 30 d1 06 08 00
00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ]

Unhandled optional parameter 0x37 'Unknown'
[0x2 ]
Unhandled optional parameter 0x3 'Access Transport'
[0x7d 0x2 0x91 0x81 ]
Unhandled optional parameter 0x31 'Propagation Delay'
[0x0 0x0 ]
Unhandled optional parameter 0x39 'Unknown'
[0x37 0xc0 0x31 0xc0 ]
    -- Accepting call to '3584573950000' on CIC 31
    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:1] NoOp("Zap/31-1", "Called
from: 491722877028") in new stack
    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:2] NoOp("Zap/31-1", "To:
3584573950000") in new stack
    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:3] Answer("Zap/31-1", "") in new
    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:4] Wait("Zap/31-1", "1") in new
Len = 14 [ dd fa 0b 85 fc 9c 41 f7 1f 00 06 40 14 00 ]
FSN: 122 FIB 1
BSN: 93 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ dd fa 0b ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7430 DPC 7420 SLS 15
        [ fc 9c 41 f7 ]
                CIC: 31
                [ 1f 00 ]
                Message Type: ACM
                [ 06 ]
                Mandatory Fixed Length Parms:
                Backward Call Indicator
                [ 40 14 ]

Len = 12 [ dd fb 09 85 fc 9c 41 f7 1f 00 09 00 ]
FSN: 123 FIB 1
BSN: 93 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ dd fb 09 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7430 DPC 7420 SLS 15
        [ fc 9c 41 f7 ]
                CIC: 31
                [ 1f 00 ]
                Message Type: ANM
                [ 09 ]

    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:5] Playback("Zap/31-1",
"tt-monkeys") in new stack
    -- <Zap/31-1> Playing 'tt-monkeys.gsm' (language 'en')
Len = 16 [ fb de 0d 85 06 1d 3f 07 1f 00 0c 02 00 02 80 90 ]
FSN: 94 FIB 1
BSN: 123 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ fb de 0d ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7420 DPC 7430 SLS 0
        [ 06 1d 3f 07 ]
                CIC: 31
                [ 1f 00 ]
                Message Type: REL
                [ 0c ]
                Mandatory Variable Length Parms:
                Cause Indicator
                [ 02 80 90 ]

Len = 12 [ de fc 09 85 fc 9c 41 f7 1f 00 10 00 ]
FSN: 124 FIB 1
BSN: 94 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ de fc 09 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7430 DPC 7420 SLS 15
        [ fc 9c 41 f7 ]
                CIC: 31
                [ 1f 00 ]
                Message Type: RLC
                [ 10 ]

  == Spawn extension (default, 3584573950000, 5) exited non-zero on
    -- Hungup 'Zap/31-1'

And now a call with callerid supression:

Len = 57 [ fc df 36 85 06 1d 3f 07 03 00 01 00 21 01 0a 00 02 0b 09 84
90 53 48 75 93 05 00 00 37 01 02 0a 02 00 0b 03 04 7d 02 91 81 1d 03 80
90 a3 31 02 00 00 39 04 37 c0 31 c0 00 ]
FSN: 95 FIB 1
BSN: 124 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ fc df 36 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7420 DPC 7430 SLS 0
        [ 06 1d 3f 07 ]
                CIC: 3
                [ 03 00 ]
                Message Type: IAM
                [ 01 ]
                Mandatory Fixed Length Parms:
                Nature of Connection Indicator
        Satellites in connection: 0
        Continuity Check: Check not required
        Outgoing half echo control device not included
                [ 00 21 ]
                Forward Call Indicator
                [ 01 0a ]
                Calling Party Category
                [ 00 ]
                Transmission Medium Requirements
                [ 02 ]
                Mandatory Variable Length Parms:
                Called Party Number
                [ 84 90 53 48 75 93 05 00 00 37 01 02 0a 02 00 0b 03 04
7d 02 91 81 1d 03 80 90 a3 31 02 00 00 39 04 37 c0 31 c0 00 14 06 b7 90
18 a2 b7 fc 1c 00 00 f0 0d 30 b7 06 00 00 00 31 64 20 30 00 00 00 00 05
00 00 00 06 1d 00 00 fc 1c 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 30 d1 06 08 00
00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ]

Unhandled optional parameter 0x37 'Unknown'
[0x2 ]
Unhandled optional parameter 0x3 'Access Transport'
[0x7d 0x2 0x91 0x81 ]
Unhandled optional parameter 0x31 'Propagation Delay'
[0x0 0x0 ]
Unhandled optional parameter 0x39 'Unknown'
[0x37 0xc0 0x31 0xc0 ]
    -- Accepting call to '3584573950000' on CIC 3
Len = 14 [ df fd 0b 85 fc 9c 41 37 03 00 06 40 14 00 ]
FSN: 125 FIB 1
BSN: 95 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ df fd 0b ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7430 DPC 7420 SLS 3
        [ fc 9c 41 37 ]
                CIC: 3
                [ 03 00 ]
                Message Type: ACM
                [ 06 ]
                Mandatory Fixed Length Parms:
                Backward Call Indicator
                [ 40 14 ]

    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:1] NoOp("Zap/3-1", "Called from:
") in new stack
    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:2] NoOp("Zap/3-1", "To:
3584573950000") in new stack
    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:3] Answer("Zap/3-1", "") in new
    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:4] Wait("Zap/3-1", "1") in new stack
Len = 12 [ df fe 09 85 fc 9c 41 37 03 00 09 00 ]
FSN: 126 FIB 1
BSN: 95 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ df fe 09 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7430 DPC 7420 SLS 3
        [ fc 9c 41 37 ]
                CIC: 3
                [ 03 00 ]
                Message Type: ANM
                [ 09 ]

    -- Executing [3584573950000 at default:5] Playback("Zap/3-1",
"tt-monkeys") in new stack
    -- <Zap/3-1> Playing 'tt-monkeys.gsm' (language 'en')
Len = 16 [ fe e0 0d 85 06 1d 3f 07 03 00 0c 02 00 02 80 90 ]
FSN: 96 FIB 1
BSN: 126 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ fe e0 0d ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7420 DPC 7430 SLS 0
        [ 06 1d 3f 07 ]
                CIC: 3
                [ 03 00 ]
                Message Type: REL
                [ 0c ]
                Mandatory Variable Length Parms:
                Cause Indicator
                [ 02 80 90 ]

Len = 12 [ e0 ff 09 85 fc 9c 41 37 03 00 10 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 96 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ e0 ff 09 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP
        [ 85 ]
        OPC 7430 DPC 7420 SLS 3
        [ fc 9c 41 37 ]
                CIC: 3
                [ 03 00 ]
                Message Type: RLC
                [ 10 ]

  == Spawn extension (default, 3584573950000, 5) exited non-zero on
    -- Hungup 'Zap/3-1'

Maybe someone can enlighten me with an brief interpretation of the outputs.

Thanks a lot,


  Tobias Wolf

  Leiter Softwareentwicklung / Kommunikationsl?sungen

  Evision GmbH

  Wittekindstr. 105

  44139 Dortmund

  Tel: +49 (0)231 - 47790 307

  Fax: +49 (0)231 - 47790 500

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