On 11/1/24 1:23 PM, Robin Candau wrote:
You can't update a package without being a maintainer / co-maintainer for it.
However, since the package is currently orphaned, you can become the
maintainer for it and push the update.
I adopted the package as maintainer and pushed updates to
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mongodb44. The package now builds cleanly
allowing you to follow what is being built. Output is down to about 6,000
lines of build info with only a few stray warnings, down from well over 100,00
lines of continual warnings spew. The following patches are new:
The database works well.
I'd appreciate thoughts on anything else I should fix in the PKGBUILD. I am
also unclear whether I should list debugedit as a build dependency -- it being
somewhat of a generic dependency. Should it be included as well?
(note: this is a BIG build and can take over an hour with link-time
optimizations at -j4 or -j8, the source is about a 50M download from github)
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.