Re: About AUR accreditation policy

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On 10/19/24 3:19 AM, Óscar García Amor wrote:
Hello foks,

I tell you, about 8 hours ago a package that Radu C. Martin and I were
maintaining (textpieces) was moved from the AUR to extra. In this
movement (which seems perfect to us, every package officially
maintained is welcome and better than this in the AUR) our names have

I don't want you to misunderstand me, I'm not crying foul about this,
but it doesn't seem fair to me that the person (or persons) who kept
the package for a while until it became official is not credited.

If we in the AUR keep the names of those who preceded us in the
maintenance of the package, I understand that when a package moves from
the AUR to an official repository the same should happen. This happens
when a package is dropped to AUR.

I don't know if there is a directive for this, but if not, maybe it's
time to write one.

And as I said, I don't mind that my name doesn't appear as a
contributor right now (I keep my AUR packages for myself and for people
to benefit from it, not for fame or similar nonsense), but I do find it
a bit ugly that the effort involved in doing that work is not
recognized, and not by me, but by everyone.


PS: I would not want accusations or ugly things to come out of this. I
just want to note that there should be a policy that the AUR
maintainer's work should be credited when a package is moved to an
official repository.


I agree with this.

I experienced the same feeling multiple times when the packages I've been maintaining for a significant amount of time were moved to the Arch Linux official repos without acknowledgment or a simple "thank you." It felt a bit rude, to be honest.

If you had asked me at that time, I would have agreed to continue maintaining those packages on the Arch Linux official repos. I think Arch Linux maintainers should consider asking AUR maintainers if they want to continue maintaining the packages in the official repos. Constantly, Arch Linux is in need of additional package maintainers.

The AUR package may not adhere to all Arch Linux packaging guidelines, but a GitLab review process to "graduate" the package will aid in this regard.

» Javier Tia 🖋

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