I sent this message yesterday but I accidentally forgot to add the
mailing list as a recipient.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Arch Linux public upload server
Date: 2024-09-04 14:28
From: "Rein Fernhout (Levitating)" <me@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Robin Candau <antiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 2024-09-04 09:56, Robin Candau wrote:
On 9/4/24 1:04 AM, Polarian wrote:
So to spur such a discussion, why should it be rustypaste?
What makes it better than the competition?
I think you're taking Orhun's mail/proposition the wrong way.
First of all, Arch Linux and rustypaste are not corporate so there's no
"corporate buddies"/shareholders in that context. I personally have not
been bothered by any potential "conflict of interest" in their
Secondly, Orhun's demand is not "Should Arch Linux host a public
pastebin/upload server (and, if so, could it be rustypaste)?" but
"rustypaste is looking for a public instance [2], could Arch Linux host
Here again, I feel like this an important nuance to understand why the
discussion is specifically about rustypaste (and not about any other
similar services).
[2] https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/issues/326
Though I do think that if we were to have a pasting service, I would
like to use a battle-proven tool with proper moderation capabilities
like 0x0.
But in generally I think we just shouldn't start. The amount of abuse
pasting services see is absolutely staggering.
The only way I think we could manage is, like mentioned before, by
protecting it with our SSO account authentication.
But rustypaste doesn't rely on a frontend, it works similarly to 0x0.
So what does it add to our community? The IRC already recommends use of
0x0 or termbin.com. Both of which rely on open source software that can
be selfhosted by users with ease.
I would maybe see added value if our pastebin service was graphical, as
this would make it more accessible. Authenticated users could submit
pastes and anyone could view them. But rustypaste isn't graphical.
So I do a agree with Polarian that we should first consider "do we want
a pasting service" and then "do we want rustypaste". Even if that was
not Orhun's original question.