Re: /usr/bin/tqdm in filesystem NOT owned by any package? (python tqdm)

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David, I understand you perfectly. Now, programmers don't program. They make programs that combine different blocks of code from other people. This makes the programming easier but harder to maintain, and too much insecure.

You know the Python world, but the _javascript_/Typescript world is worse. When you want to install any _javascript_ program thanks to npm install to many library. But with the new language is the same, Clojure, Rust, Java, etc. 

But it seems that Pacman manages it well even if it is always improvable.

It is the world that we have had to live.

El dom, 11 de ago de 2024 a las 15:16:09 PM, David C. Rankin <drankinatty@xxxxxxxxx> escribió:
On 8/11/24 2:45 PM, Maxxcan Fox wrote:
I don't like python too much, but in this case Edward Toroshchyn is right. Normally I only install python packages with pacman when they are dependencies of antoher program. When it's a isolate Python applications I use the wonderful virtual enviorement of Python. The correct way is to create a virtual enviorment in a user space create the variables in a .bashrc o whatever you use like shell. I recommend pipx for all that because is a very power tool.
Maxxcan and Edward, Thank you both. My frustration with python is its proliferation of included packages that have grown like weeds in a vacant lot for version 3. Seems every app tries to pull in 20 other pieces that it just grabbed off the shelf somewhere instead of writing itself. Granted if I kept up more with python 3 I'd probably be more comfortable with that. For I all know it's Jia Tan authoring the pulled in packages. If I recall correctly, it was a pacman package I installed in 2021 that when installing or on first run required additional packages from pip or whatever installed tqdm. That is the frustrating part. I don't like allowing any other packages on the system other than those I write or those I install with pacman. The number of supply-chain compromises over the past 2-3 years with pip, etc.. has really been a turn-off. I'll check out pipx and see if I can make better friends with it. I would prefer apps were written in a compiled language, but the world loves shortcuts, so I guess we are stuck with python. If there was just a way of separating the quality, well designed parts from the cruft some 15 yr. old cobbled together with Llama I'd feel better.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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