On 8/11/24 2:45 PM, Maxxcan Fox wrote:
I don't like python too much, but in this case Edward Toroshchyn is
Normally I only install python packages with pacman when they are
dependencies of antoher program. When it's a isolate Python
applications I use the wonderful virtual enviorement of Python.
The correct way is to create a virtual enviorment in a user space
create the variables in a .bashrc o whatever you use like shell.
I recommend pipx for all that because is a very power tool.
Maxxcan and Edward, Thank you both.
My frustration with python is its proliferation of included packages that
have grown like weeds in a vacant lot for version 3. Seems every app tries to
pull in 20 other pieces that it just grabbed off the shelf somewhere instead
of writing itself. Granted if I kept up more with python 3 I'd probably be
more comfortable with that. For I all know it's Jia Tan authoring the pulled
in packages.
If I recall correctly, it was a pacman package I installed in 2021 that
when installing or on first run required additional packages from pip or
whatever installed tqdm. That is the frustrating part.
I don't like allowing any other packages on the system other than those I
write or those I install with pacman. The number of supply-chain compromises
over the past 2-3 years with pip, etc.. has really been a turn-off.
I'll check out pipx and see if I can make better friends with it. I would
prefer apps were written in a compiled language, but the world loves
shortcuts, so I guess we are stuck with python. If there was just a way of
separating the quality, well designed parts from the cruft some 15 yr. old
cobbled together with Llama I'd feel better.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.