Hi, David wrote: > You have 12 cores at dead-idle (400MHz) and 8 cores at 1400MHz or > less. A slightly longer pipeline will summarise a bit. awk '/^cpu MHz/ {print int($4 / 10) * 10}' /proc/cpuinfo | sort -V | uniq -c Running something similar on the OP's output gives an example: 12 400 1 850 1 940 1 960 1 1000 1 1080 1 1360 1 1380 1 1400 > Maybe others have more than a guess Perhaps https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Powertop would be useful. Though it takes a bit of study to understand the tabs of readings, and can lead to searching for answers elsewhere for what's shown rather than giving an obvious answer. -- Cheers, Ralph.