On 2023-11-16 09:28:34, Jaron Kent-Dobias wrote: > > However, running iw list | grep -A 15 Frequencies: on my T490 (which is > > the machine giving me the problem), I see the following output where > > 5GHz channels as disabled: > > > > [...] > > > > Does that mean anything to anyone? Thanks. > > The difference in what channels are enabled might be the problem. On the > laptop that can connect to the hotspot, can you see what channel the hotspot > is advertised on? If it is one of the ones disabled on your other laptop, > you may need a more permissive (but "wrong") regulatory domain set. The AP is using frequency 5240MHz. This frequency is disabled on the T490 according to the output of iw list | grep -A 15 Frequencies:. I am in Singapore, and according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels, 5240MHz can be used here without restrictions. Additionally, I don't understand why this kicked in this week while working fine for about 2 months now. The output of wpa_cli status, which is what I ran on the working machine to find the frequency, is: Selected interface 'wlp0s20f3' bssid=9c:53:22:fc:16:22 freq=5240 ssid=gcat id=0 mode=station wifi_generation=6 pairwise_cipher=CCMP group_cipher=CCMP key_mgmt=WPA2-PSK wpa_state=COMPLETED ieee80211ac=1 -- Regards, Sadeep PGP: 103BF9E3E750BF7E