I can try to bottom post, it's going to take a while to adjust to it. Even to this day I mistakenly reply to single people instead of the mailing list, just because the key binding to reply to an email is "r", whereas the key binding to reply to a mailing list is "L" on neomutt.
Why are you set out to try to be controversial. Look at the mailing list, every user quotes ONLY RELEVANT TEXT, they do not top post or bottom post, because as I have explained, it is messy and confusing.
How hard is it to just quote what is needed? (Like I have just done here)
As for OpenBSD, I post there pretty often, and I got crucified for all sorts of things, but signing with PGP is not one of them. More for things like not using the default tools, having a text signature (the one you'll see after "lain."), using GnuPG for PGP (or any GNU tool for that matter), and other non-issues. In fact, I always sign with PGP, no exceptions.
This is off topic, I used OpenBSD as an example, lets not discuss a different operating system on the Arch Linux mailing list.
But overall, I really enjoy mailing lists a lot, it's like a web-based forum, but without all the bloat, and all from an email client. No wonder Linus Torvalds has been using this from day 1, and still does to this day! 🙂
If you enjoy it so much, then kindly follow the mailing list rules and keep the list tidy, then nobody will be forced to ban you from using the mailing list :D
Its not like google is accepting my emails anyways, they get spammed despite passing all the checks :(
Take care, -- Polarian GPG signature: 0770E5312238C760 Website: https://polarian.dev JID/XMPP: polarian@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Description: OpenPGP digital signature