On Mon, 14 Aug 2023 16:01:58 +0100 Polarian <polarian@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Personally I am continuing to use Thunderbird and Firefox because it is > what I am used to using, but since the UI change of Thunderbird I have > wanted to jump ship, and since they did it to Firefox I wanted to jump > ship too, but to where? > Hi, [sharing personal preferences below] As my mail client, I have been using claws-mail for several years now and it is mainly OK. I have numerous mail accounts configured, numerous GPG keys and use encryption often - claws-mail sometimes needed some special-care (using xkill to close when unresponsive, manual GPG adding...) but brings additional features which are missing in Thunderbird : - doesn't still my GPG keys - I can disable graphics and images that cause me mental overload, html is shown as just text - much more logical layout of menus, didn't change over years - my data is my data - relatively lightweight If you want, claws-mail allows you automating a lot of actions (such as attaching your GPG key, etc), so if you feel like investing time in initial set-up, your experience may be smoother than mine. Cheers,