On 14-02-16 17:17, João Miguel wrote:
Then I shall contact Artoo and add the packages back to the AUR as Nous suggested. Though I don't see how a repository officially trusted by Manjaro is less trusted than the AUR. Nevertheless, I do like the AUR, and packages being there might help. Have a good day, João Miguel
Not long ago Artoo renamed his manjaro packages to openrc without any discusssion with apg or apg openrc users.
Before artoo packages can be put back in AUR, that naming conflict needs to be solved. Even if that naming conflict were resolved, the division in the small AL openrc community would continue to exist.
Maybe the AL users wanting to remove systemd completely could investigate if switching from openrc artoo way to openrc apg way is possible ?
Lone_Wolf Active user of openrc apg way co-maintainer of apg openrc (since this weekend)