Am Thu, 16 Aug 2012 17:08:53 +0200 schrieb Thomas Bächler <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > This is a technical mailing list. If you want to discuss technical > topics about Arch, you're in the right place. If you want to state > your _opinion_, get yourself a blog. And if this opinion is about something going on (for the better or for the worse) in Arch Linux? If I have concerns about systemd for good reasons, even if they are not "technical" but, say if you like, "personal"? Well, the "personal" concerns can easily become "technical" ones sooner or later. See PA. Blaming ALSA for PA's bugs. What if this will happen with systemd, too? And I bet this will happen sooner or later. Shall I really shut up or open my own blog, which the Arch devs, TUs and other users for sure won't know or read? Or would it be better to say my opinion on this "technical" mailing list, so that people can think about that before probably doing a mistake? Heiko