On 22/11/11 12:02, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
The 22/11/11, Karol Blazewicz wrote:
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Nicolas Sebrecht<nsebrecht@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
OP raised one or two benefits of Haskell over shell scripting. He is
right even if it's somewhat partial: many of high-level languages have
very good advantages over shell scripting. I do think pacman could be
much better if rewritten in one of these languages.
Isn't pacman written in C?
Yep, sorry.
s/shell scripting/low-level progrmming languages like C/g
Pacman devs appreciatie patches, or in case you want to port pacman to
haskell, just do it. ( look for example at how the 64 bit port became
official )
as wise phrik tells me:
11:05 jelly1 | !toofishes
11:05 phrik | patches welcome
Jelle van der Waa