On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 18:16:58 +0800 Ray Rashif <schivmeister@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On 27 June 2010 17:35, Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > So, what? > > we better include ppp and not wvdial? > > No, it will definitely help if it's included - you just have to make > an exception and try to fit it in with the rest of the packages in > src/core/pkg (ppp is already part of base, whereas wvdial is in > extra). Perhaps a request to bring it into core in light of cases like > this? Then probably we should move wvdial to core just like ie. pppoe stuff is in core, no need for a special exceptions. And then we'd include it in the package list for archiso. Having it in /src/core/pkg on the iso will be a good sideeffect, not a primary goal. I suggest someone who is into this stuff takes over, because I don't really know what i'm talking about. Dieter