Hi devs, I just wanted to ask if it will become common practise to close bug reports at once as "Works for me" and to imply the reporter that he hasn't done his "homework" like searching the forums and using "wrong" software and that the reported bug is just a configuration issue? Meanwhile this happened twice - both bug reports have been assigned to the same developer as far as I remember, the first one was assigned to a second developer, too. And in the first case it has been assured, that this was indeed an upstream bug, after I sent a reopening request. The reopening request of the second bug was just denied even if it's also most likely a bug. I just don't know if it's an upstream or a downstream bug, so I reported it first downstream. In my eyes this is a real bad attitude and just ignorant against the users or the bug reporters. And this really doesn't help keeping a distro running. I'm used a much friendlier and more helpful attitude on other bug trackers (upstream as well as downstream). This is definitely not concerning all devs, but such an attitude shouldn't become common practise. Otherwise it would be better to leave Arch Linux what I would regret and avoid because Arch Linux is one of the best distros. If a dev doesn't have time enough or doesn't feel like dealing with a bug report then he should think about resigning being a dev in my sight. It's also not very friendly but ok, if the reporter is asked in a comment - without closing the bug - if he has searched the forums or if he has done this or that configuration. Of course it can happen that a bug report is invalid. Nobody is omniscient and sometimes it can happen that somebody doesn't occur every possible configuration, but I guess in most cases it can be assumed that the reporter has done everything he can do to rule out such configuration issues before reporting the bug. And especially if something has worked with the previous version and the problem occurs only after an update without changing the configuration or having a .pacnew file, a hint in the post_install or in the news it can be assumed that this is a bug. And I'm willing to help searching for the reason for a bug, fixing and testing as far as I can. It would be nice if bug reports will be taken seriously in the future. Greetings, Heiko