Marco wrote:
I recommend putting all dependencies in depends (including base packages),
as direct dependencies are used by pacman to order updates - i.e. a package
is upgraded after all of its dependencies. This sometimes avoids weird race
condition on updates.
However, we usually do not put packages from base-devel into makedepends,
although it doesn't hurt to do so. If you build anything from our
repositories, make sure you always have base-devel installed. I wouldn't
consider a missing makedepend on pkgconfig a bug, but a missing makedepend
on anything not in base-devel is definitely a bug.
I recently broke up my system with a pacman -Suy, because it installed
readline 6 and not bash 4 (mirror not in sync yet).
Are you sure it was a "-Syu" and not an "-Sy" followed by installing
something (which many people now have discovered is bad...). The
readline and bash packages were one after the other so readline was in
the [core] repo without base for about one second. It is unlikely any
mirror did a sync of the repo db in that time.