Cristian Wilgenhoff ha scritto:
The 8th edition of the "Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre"
<>, a.k.a. JRSL
<>, will happen on this August 20,
21 and 22, in Buenos Aires, Argentina
The JRSL is a Free/Open Source conference that has been held
alternately in Argentina and Uruguay since the year 2000, and both the
quality of its agenda and the number of its participants define the
JRSL as one of the most important events of the region. This year the
conference is organized by CaFeLUG <> (the
Capital Federal GNU/Linux User Group), usuaria
<> (the Argentinian Association of
Telecommunication and Computer Users) and the University of Belgrano
<>, Zabala 1837 which is hosting the conference.
The event will also have other important guests
<>, for a total of 80
speakers and 120 sessions.
The conference is conveniently scheduled after the end of the Debconf
8 <> , which will happen in Mar del Plata,
and is not too far from Buenos Aires. If you plan to go to the
Debconf, or if you just happen to be around Buenos Aires between
August 20 and August 22, just remember to register
<> and participate in the
JRSL too.
Sponsorship: Google, RedHat, <>,
tecso, core, xtech and backing
Thanks, Cristian.
Good i hope to see some friends of the Argentinian community like:
luuuciano, leanucci, S1ack0, |ast| or those all guys who are chilling on
#archlinux-es, i'd like to go, but i don't have enough time to plan a
Travel to Argentina, :(. But good luck from Venezuela!.
Besides; in Venezuela we will have an event (ExpoLatinux) on October on October 8th to 11th, i hope to know if some
people would like to come, we will have speechs from people for other
countries, (i proposed to invite some devs of Arch, but i don't organize
the event) but i will have a little speech (i thought that i was fight
to have a speech about arch, maybe not by a Dev, but i will do an
effort) the speech that i'm working is:
Title: Arch Linux a simple, lightweight linux distribution
Content: the speech will contain information about Arch Linux and his
philosophy, main features, for who are Arch oriented, how to be part of
the Arch Linux community, and why Arch Linux as a distro (not a distro war).
* Intro: Distros, Rolling Release / Bleeding Edge distros and Arch
* Arch Linux: Some little history.
* KISS: A short story what means the KISS theory.
* Pacman: The Arch Linux package manager.
* Packaging: Diferences between Arch and other distros.
* Package Maintainers: who package? who are TUs, Devs in Arch Linux
* AUR: The Arch Linux User Repository. A way to contribute with the distro.
* Arch Resources: Bugtracker, Wiki, Forums, foreign languages communities.
* Ending: Presentation of the Arch Linux Venezuela Community and
Venezuelan Archers, who can contact them.
* Questions and Answers.
I extracted all the content of this speech from the Wiki and imho it
will be a different, i hope to send the slides to the dev group before
the event then we will use those all slides on next events.
Anyway, if anyone plans to come here to Venezuela for that event, please
don't doubt to write me an e-mail and i will do anything possible to
have you confortable in here, of course the speech will be in spanish,
but i will try (as always) to do it an english version to everyone of us.