On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Cristian Wilgenhoff <cristian.wil88@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > The 8th edition of the "Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre", a.k.a. JRSL, > will happen on this August 20, 21 and 22, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The > JRSL is a Free/Open Source conference that has been held alternately in > Argentina and Uruguay since the year 2000, and both the quality of its > agenda and the number of its participants define the JRSL as one of the most > important events of the region. This year the conference is organized by > CaFeLUG (the Capital Federal GNU/Linux User Group), usuaria (the Argentinian > Association of Telecommunication and Computer Users) and the University of > Belgrano, Zabala 1837 which is hosting the conference. > > The event will also have other important guests, for a total of 80 speakers > and 120 sessions. > > The conference is conveniently scheduled after the end of the Debconf 8 , > which will happen in Mar del Plata, Argentina, and is not too far from > Buenos Aires. If you plan to go to the Debconf, or if you just happen to be > around Buenos Aires between August 20 and August 22, just remember to > register and participate in the JRSL too. > > Sponsorship: Google, RedHat, elserver.com, tecso, core, xtech and backing > > Thanks, Cristian. > Feel free to send this to the arch-events list too, as you may get more interested parties.