Hello, i thought about a "trap" in which myself are also fallen sometimes: I look at the bugtracker to see if someone filed already a bugreport for a problem. But i don't find it cause it is already fixed and thereby marked as closed. And without using advandced search functions all searches are only done on open bugreports. As an example the problem yesterday with kdelibs: In forum thread someone says: i write a bugreport (without posting the number ;-) It was #10312 tpowa provided a fixed package in a nice short time, quickly, and then closed the report (fixed). But users in the forum have had problems to find this report cause it was closed. If i look at the history of the report i see: Aaron reopened it, then we have user request for closing an Jan closed it finally again. On such reports (the maintainer knows that many users would/could have the problem, sometimes only during different mirror syncing) i would suggest **not** to close such a report too fast. Ok, it is fixed from developer side (and maybe available on ftp.archlinux.org) but users could run in the problem probably later or tommorrow. I see no problem with reports where the reporter says: ok, it worked, you could close it. And where the maintainer knows: it was maybe a local or a problem on a minor package. But in situations like above it would be helpfully if the report wasn't closed (as well it was fixed on developer side), but maybe in a status like: fixed, scheduled for closing. But the report is "open" and so found on searching. I don't know if the bugtracker have such a function to closed it automatically for ex. after 6 days. On the other hand the maintainer must do this (it's additional work, but i think it's worth). Regards Gerhard -- Don't drink and root!