Roman Kyrylych wrote:
2008/1/29, JaDa<jada@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Allan
I just post now the PKGBUILD hope that's right now!
I didn't actually test how it builds but inlined a couple of suggestions below:
makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'libtool' 'automake' 'autoconf' 'imagemagick'
'smbclient' 'mesa' 'alsa-lib' 'vcdimager')
pkgconfig, libtool, automake and autoconf are part of base-devel group
which is supposed to be installed on every packager's machine, so you
can safely omit them.
It is highly recommended to use here.
Otherwise the PKGBUILD looks good.
Just in case you didn't guess or notice, the PKGBUILD you were reviewing
is actually that one :
Jada just took that, and changed pkgver, source, and md5sum variables.
PS: the official xine-lib package is now at 1.1.10-1 too.