New to Apache, but learning fast. Knocks IIS into a cocked hat, but I have a newbie question:
I have looked through the documentation and examples for the mod_rewrite module and although I think my request is simple, I cannot find the solution to it in either this documentation or the “Practical Solutions to Common Problems” section. Google throws me back to these same pages.
I want my browser to display only the root canonical URL while browsing: http://www.mydomain.com. Whatever is contained in the URL or querystring following this should not appear in the browser window. So http://www.mydomain.com/index.pl or http://www.mydomain.com/app/subapp/file.extension?var=something&anothervar=somethingelse should both simply show http://www.mydomain.com in the browser window. The iFrame solution works to a point, but that still reveals the filename containing the iFrame – I want this hidden also.
Simple, I know, but search as I might…
Many thanks for the assist!
Rod Behr
Software Design Manager
( +44 (0) 1932 733 849 (Impact) | +44 (0) 7976 112 442 (mobile) | +44 (0) 1932 733 700 (switchboard)
Impact | Europe House, 170 Windmill Road West, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7HB
www.impact-europe.com | rod.behr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx