Hi, I have an apache server used as load balancer for multiple
tomcat servers clusters with mod_jk. The configuration is to have different workers on different
servers and sometimes port as well : ##### # START # Nodes JkWorkerProperty worker.server_1_1.host=server40 JkWorkerProperty worker.server_1_1.port=8009 JkWorkerProperty worker.server_1_1.reference=worker.tmplt_worker JkWorkerProperty worker.server_2_1.host=server41 JkWorkerProperty worker.server_2_1.port=8009 JkWorkerProperty worker.server_2_1.reference=worker.tmplt_worker # Loadbalancer JkWorkerProperty
worker.lb_cluster1.reference=worker.tmplt_balancer JkWorkerProperty
worker.lb_cluster1.balance_workers=server_1_1,server_2_1 # END ##### We use ServerAlias and our DNS registration (in direction of the
apache server of course) to have an URL by application. For this one, it´s
cluster1.mydomain.com Everything worked fine till today as we have a new need. We used
to install only one war on each Tomcat server with the context path “” so the
URL was http://cluster1.mydomain.com but now we have to host more than 1 war by
tomcat server. So the Context path will change to the name of the war (no
problem for that) but we don´t want to use cluster1.mydomain.com/war1 cluster1.mydomain.com/war2 but war1.mydomain.com war2.mydomain.com what should I do or add ? Is it on the Apache or mod_jk
configuration, or on the Tomcat side ? Of course I need to add some ServerAlias lines but I don´t know
what to do with the rest ... Thanks, Cyril Viéville |
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