Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 5:49 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Help - Name Server -
Michael Rogers wrote:
> Eric:
> My email utility
sent you to the junk mail folder and I didn't see you until now. Next I
am suffering this morning from severe pain and the morphine is not helping so
I may not respond back right away. My pain may be for a couple of hours
or in might be for days.
> I do know that my computer works
with IP address and not names. I know that I am having a router
problem. some that are helping here can get to my modem but that is as
far as they get. That's the problem that I need to resolve.
> Right now the machine that has the Apache on it has an IP address of I found the host file. Am I to understand that I
should put in the file
right under the localhost
You can, and it will not hurt.
But that is not the main reason for your
If you do, then also
do it on your other internal workstations.