When my webapp is first invoked it may or may not have a QueryString parameter included in the URL in order to provide some custom navigation capabilities. The existing links in my webapp were created prior to this new feature and I do not want to modify every link in the webapp to include the new QS parameter. Is there a way to have the webserver save the info and append it to the future requests?
initial request:
http://host.com/index.html?PORTAL_NAVthe existence of PORTAL_NAV in the QS tells the navigation components of the app that they need to be "portal sensitive" as opposed to "running standalone".
the links embedded in the app do not include the PORTAL_NAV parameter, but I would like it to be implicitly included due to the initial request.
I've fooled around with cookies to make this work but its less than ideal since the user could access the app with and without PORTAL_NAV from the same browser.
Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.