----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 6:33
Subject: RE: make_sock:
could not bind to ...
Hi Jinu,
You get this "could
not bind to portnumber" when the port you specified is not free.It may be
occupied by some other
process.Change the port number in httpd.conf to some
other value and start the Apache.
Thanks and regards,
Refer to you httpd.conf file.There is one parameter named
Servername.Put your hostname or ipaddress followed by the port number where
you want to listen.Like for example
Also there is one more
param named as Listen.Put the same port value corresponding to Listen.For
example Listen 80 and start the Apache.You should not be getting the
Thanks and regards
On 10/23/07, Jinu
<jiji@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I tried looking in the wiki for this
information as to why i am getting this message when i start the program
apache. It tells me that I need to do a run on my winows for netstat
-ano. Well unfortunatly there is no netstat program for me to do this
with. When i try to run this windows tells me that Netstat is not a
vallid win32 aplication. Does anyone know whats going on?
I am a total newbie to this software I intended
to turn my computer in to a webhost for my personal website.. I was told
that i had to have this software in order to do so when I get my domain