On 06/09/07, Jeff <jmurch@xxxxxxx> wrote:> </head>>> <form method="POST" action="../cgi-bin/cgi_main" name="frmApplicationShort"> language="JavaScript" style="text-align: center">>> <body onKeyPress="SetDefaultSubmit('Add Vehicle >');"> bgcolor="#4b6c8b"> onLoad="toggleCoApp();document.frmApplicationShort.elements[0].focus();"> This is invalid html (form should be in body, not between head andbody) and from what I recall, the library that proxy_html uses toparse html (libxml2) fixes these kinds of things up. It's also considered passé to use javascript inline. Can't you extractit to a separate file? mod_proxy_html is rarely necessary. Are you sure you need it, andcan't arrange your front and back end URL spaces to match? -- noodl