RE: [users@httpd] Apache
reverse and caching proxy
The mod_expires that you activate with "ExpiresActive
On" will add an Expires header to the responses sent to the client.
It does nothing for Apache cache expiration. It does however have an effect
on the expiration of downstream caches, in your case probably on the User
Agent cache.
For cache expiration you should use the CacheDefaultExpire directive. I
believe mod_cache will make a conditional request for the resource when
the cache entry gets stale.
If you set CacheDefaultExpires to a low value, mod_cache will frequently
try to refresh the cache.
CacheDefaultExpires affects only responses that do not contain an explicit
expiry date.
From: Wim.Van.Leuven@xxxxxx [mailto:Wim.Van.Leuven@xxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:02 PM
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [users@httpd] Apache reverse and caching proxy
Hello all,
I'm retrying my configuration for a caching proxy server which flushes
the cache on the modification time of the files. However, It doesn't seem
to work anymore. The files get cached but are not refreshed on a touch
of the file on the source server.
Not sure what I changed that it doesn't work anymore. As far as I'm concerned,
I do nothing more then setup an apache server to serve static files from
disk in an ordinary manner. Next I put a proxy server in front. The configuration
of the proxy can be found at the end.
When inspecting the debug logs and the http headers, all files get cached
at the proxy. However when I change the modification time of the files
on the source servers, the cache doesn't get updated. Thus still serving
the old version of the file.
As a matter a fact, once a file is cached, the source server is never accessed
anymore to verify the correctness of the cache against the remote instances.
Does anybody have a clue about which sublety I'm missing here?
Thanks beforehand!
Wim Van Leuven
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "modification"
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
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