I can follow what you are saying. Can
I force this header inclusion for static file serving?
Joshua Slive <joshua@xxxxxxxx> Sent by: jslive@xxxxxxxxx
12/01/2006 15:11
Please respond to
Re: [users@httpd] Apache
reverse and caching proxy
On 1/12/06, Wim.Van.Leuven@xxxxxx <Wim.Van.Leuven@xxxxxx>
> When inspecting the debug logs and the http headers, all files get
cached at
> the proxy. However when I change the modification time of the files
on the
> source servers, the cache doesn't get updated. Thus still serving
the old
> version of the file.
> As a matter a fact, once a file is cached, the source server is never
> accessed anymore to verify the correctness of the cache against the
> instances.
> Does anybody have a clue about which sublety I'm missing here?
The cache uses standard http caching rules, which require period
checks for content updates based either on Cache-Control, Expires, or
Last-Modified headers. If you want the cache to check for new content
on every request, you need to make the back-end send "Cache-Control:
must-revalidate" or something like that.